Bachelor's degree

Participation of the ASVK department in the undergraduate program:

The Faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics offers undergraduate education in two fields: «Applied mathematics and computer science» and «Fundamental computer science and information technology». The education is based on a unique standard of higher professional education established by the Lomonosov Moscow State University for the field of “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”. The principal educational program of higher professional education for the field of “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” comprises a continuous six-year comprehensive education and training of highly skilled professionals and is executed through the consecutive completion of the primary undergraduate (bachelor’s) program and the primary graduate (master’s) program.

Master's degree

ASVK department offers admission into the M.Sc. degree in the following areas:

«Modern applications of artificial intelligence in data transmission and processing networks»

The master’s program “Advanced Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Data Transmission and Processing Networks” aims to acquire professional competencies in the field of designing and developing complex distributed computer systems and networks at scale, with opportunity for career exploration and development via internships.

The program involves mastering modern methods and technologies for designing distributed computer systems and networks, studying machine learning methods, distributed algorithms, software protection techniques, methods and tools for logical verification, elements of game theory, methods of queueing theory, virtualization techniques, learning the methodology for conducting statistical experiments, and gaining experience in managing software development projects.