Position: ASVK department head, professor
Academic degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic title: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Research areas: Architecture and methods of resource management in data transmission and processing networks
Keywords: Real-time systems, simulation modeling, computer networks
smel@cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: Associate Professor, Scientific Secretary of the Department of ASVK
Academic degree: кандидат физико-математических наук
Research areas: analysis and development of network processor architecture
Keywords: computer architecture, network processors, real-time systems, reliability, fault tolerance, simulation modeling
volkanov@asvk.cs.msu.ruMore infoGoogle Scholar: personal page
Position: assistant lecturer
Research areas: Software-defined networks, distributed SDM controller, distributed systems and algorithms, distributed data storage
Keywords: software-defined networks, distributed systems, distributed SDN controller, fault-tolerant clusters (High Availability cluster), reliability
pashkov@asvk.cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: Senior Researcher at Computing Systems Laboratory
Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Research areas: Planning of calculations in real-time computing systems and cloud environments, use of machine learning in calculation planning
Keywords: Real-time systems, cloud systems, computation scheduling, machine learning, multi-agent methods
hbd@cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: associate professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Research areas: Software-defined networking, virtualization and cloud computing
Keywords: Quality of service, software-defined networks, multi-stream routing, verification
anvial@asvk.cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: Leading Researcher at the Computing Systems Laboratory
Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Research areas: Real-time systems, Internet of Things
Keywords: Real-time systems, simulation modeling, computer networks, Internet of medical things
bahmurov@asvk.cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: associate professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Research areas: Real-time information and control systems. Data Center Resource Allocation Algorithms
Keywords: Real-time systems, computation scheduling, combinatorial optimization algorithms, machine learning
kost@cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: associate professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
salnikov@cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: assistant lecturer
Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Research areas: Research of methods for ensuring the quality of network service, application of machine learning methods to ensure the required quality of service
Keywords: Quality of Service, multithreaded protocols, congestion control algorithms, machine learning, multi-agent methods
estepanov@asvk.cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
alla@asvk.cs.msu.ruMore infoPosition: Leading Reasearcher
Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
vpiskovski@asvk.cs.msu.ruMore infoScientific advisor: к. ф.-м. н., доцент Волканов Дмитрий Юрьевич
Position: Graduate student
Scientific advisor: к.ф.-м.н. Volkanov Dmitry Yurievich
alryaz@asvk.cs.msu.ruMore info